Answered By: eCirculation -Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Feb 15, 2024     Views: 192

A full list of available Book Club Kits can be found in the Library's catalog.

Book Club Kits are packaged together in a rolling tote bag for easy transportation. Each kit contains:

  • 10 copies of the title
  • A Large Print copy (when available)
  • An audio CD version (when available)
  • A resource folder containing the following: summary information and reviews of the book; author biography; a list of suggested discussion questions and read-alikes; tips for book groups; and evaluation forms so you can let us know what you think of the service.

Many titles are also available as eBooks and eAudiobooks through Libby.

We offer popular titles as well as lesser-known works of local and award-winning authors, fiction and non-fiction, adult, and teen titles. The current titles have been recommended by staff or local book clubs as great for discussion!

Book Club Kits check out for eight (8) weeks, allowing for plenty of time to distribute and read the book. Each kit may be renewed if there are no outstanding hold requests for the kit. Book Club Kits are checked out to one person and each account can have one kit checked out at a time. Books from the kit should be returned to the person who checked out the kit, not individually to the library. That person will then be responsible for returning the Book Club Kit with all contents to the library by its due date. Book Club Kits will not fit in book drops and should be returned to staff at the Circulation Desk.

Updated 2.15.2024