Answered By: eCirculation -Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Feb 15, 2024     Views: 397

The Library has digital projectors available in some of our meeting rooms. Some rooms are equipped with a digital projector; some have a screen but no projector; some have a television that can be connected to via HDMI. Some meeting spaces, such as study rooms, do not have any of these options available. Laptops and cables are typically not provided by the library. Please contact the library location you are interested in to confirm whether or not they have something available for public use.

To see if a meeting room has a projector available, you can view our Meeting & Study Rooms page. Select the location you are interested in, then on the next screen select the room you want to use. You will see projectors (if applicable) listed under "Included resources" for that room.

The Library does not have projectors that can be borrowed for offsite public use.

Updated 2.15.2024