Answered By: eCirculation -Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2024     Views: 584

Physical library materials will automatically renew up to two (2) times, as long as there are no holds on the item. If you have an email associated with your library account, you will receive a notice when materials are renewed or if they are unable to be renewed. Automatic renewals typically take place one day before the item is due. If you have questions about an item's due date or whether or not it can be renewed, you may contact the Circulation Department by phone at 352-334-3950.

Interlibrary Loans can be renewed if the lending library allows.

Downloadable materials can be renewed via Overdrive/Libby if there are no holds on the item.

Updated 2.13.24

Comments (2)

  1. Can you address whether or not ebooks can be renewed and, if so, how to do so?
    by Shauna on Dec 10, 2018
  2. We apologize the link is not as obvious to spot on our answer, but here is the url to answer your question:
    by Otto - Alachua County Library District on May 15, 2019