Answered By: eBranch - Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2020Views: 790
On your first download, Adobe Digital Editions will ask if you want to authorize the computer. The computer must be authorized before eBooks can be transferred to a reader.
If Adobe Digital Editions prompts you to authorize anonymously, you probably do not want to do so. If you authorize anonymously, you will not be able to transfer eBooks to a device. Instead you will have to de-authorize and authorize ADE (and the device) to an email address.
If you do not already have an Adobe ID, click on “get an Adobe ID online” link and you will be taken to Adobe’s website.
Click on “Create an Adobe Account.” You will be taken to a page where you are asked to supply some information.
Fill in the required fields (denoted with red asterisks) and click on “Continue.”
Close this page and bring Adobe Digital Editions back up (it should still be on your Task Bar at the bottom of the screen). Enter the email address and password that you just entered on Adobe’s site and click “Activate.”
Click “Finished.” You are now ready to download and enjoy eBooks!