Answered By: eBranch - Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Apr 26, 2024     Views: 1023

In Libby or OverDrive, digital materials can be checked out for 7, 14, or 21 days. The default lending period is set to 7 days.

Adjust your lending period on the Libby app or Libby website when checking out an item. This will be set as your default until you pick another one at a future checkout.

Adjust your default lending period by going to My Account, then select Settings. You will see Lending Periods for eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines. Set each of these to the desired lending period. Changes will be saved automatically.

You can view when a book is due by going to the Shelf page in Libby or the Loans page on OverDrive.

Titles will automatically expire and you will loose access to them after the due date.

Updated 4/26/24