Answered By: eCirculation -Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2024     Views: 900

Standard Library Cards expire once every two (2) years. This is to ensure that the Library has the most up-to-date patron information in our system. To see when your library card will expire, log in to My Account on the library's website and you will see your account's Expiration Date listed on the first screen.

To renew your account, you will need to visit any of our library locations in-person. Cardholders ages 18 and up will need to bring in a current, valid photo ID and proof of current address. Your account must be at a $0 balance to be renewed. Renewal for minors (ages 4-17) requires that the Responsible Party be present with current, valid photo ID, proof of address, and proof of guardianship for the minor.

Updated 2.14.2024

Comments (2)

  1. My card is expiring in a few weeks. I'm 73, not leaving house due to current pandemic. I only use digital services, about three books a week. What can I do to keep my card current? Thanks!
    by Senior Citizen on Mar 15, 2020
  2. We are making efforts to accommodate during this time, whenever possible. Thank you for your patience.
    by on Mar 17, 2020