Answered By: ASRef - Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Apr 26, 2024     Views: 2042

Books are divided up by age group; children, young adult, and adult collections. The Children collections include Easy (E), Easy Beginner (E Begin), and Juvenile (J) titles. Young Adult collections are designated by YA on the spine label, while Adult collections will not have anything before the genre or Dewey Decimal number. Within each of these collections you will generally find Fiction stories and Non-Fiction works.

The Fiction collection includes Fiction, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy (typically shelved together), Romance, and Westerns. Depending on which library location you are visiting, some or all of these genres may be shelves together within a collection. For instance, J and YA fiction are typically shelved by author's last name and not divided up by genre.

Non-Fiction works are organized by the Dewey Decimal classification system, which includes ten (10) general categories which are then broken up into smaller categories:

000s-Computer science, information, general works
100s-Philosophy & psychology
300s-Social Sciences
700s-Arts & recreation
900s-History & geography.

In addition to these ten categories, you will find a separate collection of Biographies, organized by the subject individual's last name.

Updated 4/26/24