Answered By: eBranch - Alachua County Library District
Last Updated: Sep 08, 2022     Views: 242

The page is now called Suggest Materials. Library users told us that they wanted holds to be placed on each item requested, so the Library has expanded this service to go beyond an anonymous online suggestion box. You will need your 14-digit library card number to complete the form to suggest materials.

When you ask for a title via the Suggest Materials page, if it is purchased, Library staff will either place a hold on it for you (for physical items) or notify you when the title is about to be added (for downloadable titles). You will have to manually checkout or place a hold on a digital item that has been added to our collection from your suggestion. If the Library cannot purchase the item, you will be notified.

Physical books which the library cannot purchase may sometimes be borrowed via Interlibrary Loan.